
after-Prom Party

After-Prom Party Ideas for Your School

Typically funded by parents to keep their kids off the roads, and away from alluring temptations, an After-Prom party is a fun way for students to safely celebrate into the late hours. If your Prom was “off-site,” bring students back… Continue Reading →

After Prom: Party Ideas to Keep the Fun Going

Many schools or parent groups host an After-Prom party to keep kids safe and accounted for after the dance. Most After-Prom parties feature a casual theme, so teens can unwind and have fun with their friends in a laid-back atmosphere…. Continue Reading →

22 Tips for Planning Your After-prom Party

One of the most popular Prom traditions is the after-Prom party, and it’s almost as important as Prom itself. You want your after-Prom party to be memorable, safe, and FUN for everyone. If you need planning ideas or just a… Continue Reading →

Prom Ideas: Think Outside the Dance

When your students think of Prom night, they think about getting dressed up, asking a date, organizing a group of friends for the limo, and dancing all night long. Of course, there is much more to Prom than just dancing…. Continue Reading →

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