
After Prom

After-Prom Party Ideas for Your School

Typically funded by parents to keep their kids off the roads, and away from alluring temptations, an After-Prom party is a fun way for students to safely celebrate into the late hours. If your Prom was “off-site,” bring students back… Continue Reading →

Prom Committees 101

Every Prom advisor needs help to plan the perfect Prom for their students. Prom planning can be easier and more efficient if you create sub-committees to cover every detail. While the number of sub-committees can vary depending upon your needs… Continue Reading →

After Prom: Party Ideas to Keep the Fun Going

Many schools or parent groups host an After-Prom party to keep kids safe and accounted for after the dance. Most After-Prom parties feature a casual theme, so teens can unwind and have fun with their friends in a laid-back atmosphere…. Continue Reading →

22 Tips for Planning Your After-prom Party

One of the most popular Prom traditions is the after-Prom party, and it’s almost as important as Prom itself. You want your after-Prom party to be memorable, safe, and FUN for everyone. If you need planning ideas or just a… Continue Reading →

Fun Prom Activity and Entertainment Ideas

One of the biggest challenges for high schools is ensuring high Prom attendance numbers. With the expense, time, and effort that goes into planning the biggest event of the year, it’s important that schools not only sell enough tickets but… Continue Reading →

Prom Ideas: Think Outside the Dance

When your students think of Prom night, they think about getting dressed up, asking a date, organizing a group of friends for the limo, and dancing all night long. Of course, there is much more to Prom than just dancing…. Continue Reading →

Are You Making the Most of Your Prom Theme?

Is your Prom theme missing something? Does it need an extra finishing touch to take it from simply OK to truly spectacular? The right theme kit or decoration can make the difference. Adding one or more of these elements can… Continue Reading →

6 Ways to Save on Your Prom Theme

Choosing your Prom theme is an exciting task, and you should dream big, but the reality is that most schools don’t have a huge amount of money to spend. We’ve put together 6 cost saving tips from our prom planning… Continue Reading →

A Sure Bet: Hot Ideas for Your Casino Prom Theme

Is your school looking for some new ideas for a casino-themed Prom? Don’t gamble with your Prom budget, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading for lots of fresh ideas for your casino Prom theme that will have your students rolling… Continue Reading →

5-Star Ideas For a Starry Night Prom Theme

They say that the stars are endless, and so, too, are Starry Night Prom night themes. There are endless possibilities for decorations, favors, invitations, and so much more. We’ve put together some of our favorite ideas to help you put… Continue Reading →

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