
Kristin Vinson

24K Magic: Brilliant Ideas for A Diamond Prom Theme

Diamond Prom themes are hot for Prom this year; they are over-the-top ways to encompass the glitz and glamour of Prom night. The great thing about a Diamond Prom theme is that there are so many options when it comes… Continue Reading →

How to Create an A-List Hollywood Prom Theme

Hollywood. Tinseltown. La La Land. No matter what name you use, a Hollywood/Red Carpet Prom theme is always a big deal. This is one prom theme you can really take in many different directions when it comes to decorating. Check… Continue Reading →

Destination: The Perfect Paris Prom Theme

Paris Prom themes are popular choices for many schools. Everyone wants to experience the City of Light, and creating a Parisian theme is a great way to do it.  But, how do you create a fun, interesting, and unique French… Continue Reading →

Prom Nite: Your One-stop Shop for Prom

The Prom planning process is a very big undertaking and can include many subcommittees and a lot of attention to detail. When it comes to purchasing Prom supplies, whether it’s for the pre-Prom stage, the heat of the planning, or… Continue Reading →

5 Ways to Use Fabric as Prom Decoration

Fabric is one of the most popular decorating fabrics for Prom. Not only is it available in dozens of textures, colors, and patterns, it’s the perfect decoration to give you maximum style with minimum time and effort. Check out these… Continue Reading →

Good Eats: Safe Foods For Prom

With all that dancing going on, Prom guests are sure to be hungry, so it’s important to offer some sort of refreshment to help keep them satiated and going strong all night long. But, with the current focus on safety… Continue Reading →

How to Choose the Best Venue For Your Prom

Back in the day, it was a given – most high school Proms were held onsite in the school gym or cafeteria. But, times have changed. Today, large school events, like Prom, are often held offsite. It’s up to the… Continue Reading →

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